
Italicus Launches Art Of Aperitivo Challenge 2020 Glo-Cal Edition

Italicus Art Of Aperitivo Challenge 2020

Italicus has launched the 2020 edition of its Art of Aperitivo Challenge, which will look to raise awareness of locals bars via the creation of city-inspired cocktails. The Italian liqueur brand was inspired by the idea “thinking global, with local ingredients” when launching the newest iteration of the event.

For The Art of Italicus 2020, Aperitivo Challenge Glo-Cal Edition, bartenders from 80 bars across 10 cities have been invited to create cocktails inspired by their city. The competition’s goal is to raise awareness and support for bars and bartenders across the globe, in what has been one of the industry’s most challenging years.

Bars in London, Paris, New York, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Athens, Las Vegas, and Miami have all been invited to take part in the contest. Participating in the Barcelona portion of the competition will be owner of Farola and Creps Al Born, Marco Tagliabue.

Each competitor will create an Italicus aperitivo cocktail inspired by their city or region. From there, the Italian brand will work with the bartenders to produce content for them to use to promote their venue across social media.

One bartender from each city will be chosen, before the best aperitivo cocktail and overall activation will be selected and crowned Best Italicus Bar Artist 2020. The winner will receive the opportunity to showcase their creation through a promotional video created in collaboration with Italicus and will be dubbed the Best Bar Artist 2020.

Other bars taking part in the competition include No Entry and Le Purdey, in Paris; Supper and Tak, in Stockholm; Diamond Dogs and Finback, in New York; Twelve Monkeys and Noah, in Athens; The Golden Tiki and La Strega, in Las Vegas; Coral Room and The Connaught, in London; Red Fish and Sweetwater in Miami; and Bootleg and Coffee Pot, in Rome.